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Q4 Newsletter - 2022

November 17, 2022

Killer Interviews

This month I interviewed perhaps one of the most influential sales mentors you have never heard of.  Scott Tuttle spent 20 years in the mortgage space, building some of the most Profitable Mortgage companies in history. He now runs one of the Top Real Estate teams in Oregon, focusing on high end properties in central Oregon.  

In this interview we talk about a variety of things, but there are focused sections designed to help our members connect with more real estate professionals where they live and to be successful even in a down market. 

Jump to a specific topic:

Starting or Running a business in a Down Market.  The steps to success, Investing in your business. -

Play to your strengths or get stuck doing mediocre work and reducing your effective hourly rate -

Prospecting for Realtors from one of Oregon's Top Real Estate agents -

Full Interview:

Observations, not coaching.  :-)  - Michael talks to loan officers across the country every day and would like to share a few observations about what separates those who are successful in a down market, vs those who are not. 

Luck is not a business plan … 

The Mortgage industry has never been more commoditized and accessible … How do you bring the right value at the right time for every client?  Well, lets explore this

Present and Future 

Late last year we made some fundamental decisions about the final destination of our platform.  These decisions impact what sorts of features we would be focusing on.  As many of you can probably tell, Pre-Approve Me is very close to being like a few other systems you use on a regular basis. An LOS and a CRM … but our mission as a company has always been to help Loan Officers make more money, while spending less time working.  So we are focusing on these sorts of features.  To call us a CRM in the long run would not be completely off the mark, but we don't want to be like the normal CRM, we want to be a system of engagement and interactions.

Today we are doing this by leveraging our customizable app views, which lets you create a custom experience for your clients based on any sort of filter.  Veterans - Sure, show them tools specifically for VA borrowers.  First time buyers?  -  Yup, embed a home buyers guide and youtube videos. The sky's the limit, and your borrowers will appreciate the fact that you created an experience for them that meets them right where they are. 

Our 6 Month Roadmap 

Includes features that will help you communicate more clearly with your borrowers/Prospects and tools that will make it easier for you to identify hot prospects and use the system

  1. Marketing Engine: Much like our Conditions engine.  Set rules, once those rules are met, trigger some form of marketing. Email, Text, Voicemail.  Example, Borrower sends out a Pre-Approval Letter for an offer they are making, System could send them a text wishing them good luck.
  2. Improved integration with major players in the mortgage space.  (Encompass, Lending Pad, Byte, Google Drive, Box, One Drive, Zapier)
  3. Version 2 of our smart 1003.  Support Saving real time and Borrowers ability to come back and complete after starting the application. 
  4. Lots of Realtor enhancements making the system easier to use and more attractive
  5. Version 3 of our integration with Encompass.  Should make the platform much more automated for our members who use Encompass. 

Much more to come...

Productive Partnerships

Take a look at The Complete 1003:  Primarily for those “newer” Loan Officers who need more support, the Complete 1003 is a great solution for ensuring your files are clean and move through underwriting without surprises. Here are a few key features.

1. Helps newer MLOs structure loans they didn't think could be done

2. Helps newer MLOs send 1-2 touch files into underwriting with zero "lender caused" fallout

3. Removes some of the burden on those supervising newer MLOs

4. Increases inquiry to application ration due to more thorough customer questioning

5. Helps newer MLOs come across better to potential Realtor and other referral sources.

The details are on their website at

Michael Neef

CEO - Pre-Approve Me

Michael is a Broker Owner/Loan Officer with 16 years experience. He originally developed Pre-Approve Me in order to solve problems he was experiencing in his own business and is committed to making the Home Loan Process as smooth and easy as possible.

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